Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The End is Near:: Part 2

Once again it is the end of the semester and it has been a crazy one. I took 17 hours this spring semester and that is considered suicide in grad. work where 9 hours is considered full time. My classes this semester were Greek, Hebrew, Gospel's Witness to Christ, and New Testament World. This has been an incredible learning semester but it has taken its toll on me. Mentally I feel drained and my GPA will suffer a bit. My goal for the next year is to boost it up so I can leave here with the option of Ph.D. work in the future. I have to leave with a 3.5 for consideration by Fuller Theological for Ph.D and I was above that before this semester. We'll see how this semester's grades effect that. I feel confident though because the next 2 semesters will feel like cake compared to this crazy semester. Thanks for all your prayers!!! One more year and I'll be graduating in the summer of 07!... hopefully =)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The End is Near

I'm finally in my final week of classes and next week brings finals with it. Things have been much better since I withdrew from my kingdom of God class and looking back I can't imagine finishing the semester with that class. The finals shouldn't be to difficult since they are language finals and are pretty much the same as the other exams. Please pray that I will be able to maintain focus at the end of this semester and that I finish well.

Monday, November 07, 2005


Well, I finally withdrew from the course and my time management has been much easier to manage. I feel I have more control over my time. My prof is also very helpful and is allowing me to sit through the rest of the semester so I can take the course as an independent study and just go through and hand in the assignments since I will have been present for all of the lectures. So, that will make things much easier. Thanks for all of the prayers. This semester is going much better. Taking Greek and Hebrew has it's challenges but I'm managing to conquer them... for now :) I'm in the process of planning my next semester so pray that I'll be able to get the classes I need and that the schedule will work around our family life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

eyes to big for the mouth

Greetings to all who stumble on this page. I could use prayer for this next week. I am contemplating dropping a class because I seemed to have bitten off more than I can chew for the semester. I signed up for 3 very involved courses: Greek, Hebrew, and Kingdom of God. Languages always take quite a bit of time to stay on top them and my Kingdom of God class involves a lot of reading and exegesis. My problem with exegesis is that it is a passion of mine and I can't sit down and just throw something together. I need at least 10-15 hours for a passage to feel like i've accomplished something. Throw those classes on top being a Mr. Mom while heather works third shift and pioneering a young adult ministry and things get hairy at times. Because heather works third shift, she needs to sleep during the day so there are several days a week where I am taking care of Lyndi until she sleeps at 9pm at night. So I don't have to freedom to start studying till that appointed time. When Heather has a day off, we like to do the traditional thing and "spend time together." She's the love of my life and I miss giving her my full attention.
So, I'm about 80% sure that I am going to drop my Kingdom of God class inorder to finish strong in my language courses. I have prioritized them because I think they are essential for a teaching pastor in ministry. I am currently still maintaining A's in both classes but my KoG class seems to be heading for a C or low B. I can't allow a low grade on my records if I want to keep the option of Ph.D. work open in the future. The only consequence that this decision will bring is that I either have to cram it in a summer course, future semester, or graduate a semester later than I had attended. This decision seems to far outweigh the possiblity of not doing doctoral work in the future. Thanks for the prayers, I'll keep you updated.
Also, for those of you that aren't familiar with blogs, you can feel free to leave comments below by clicking on the "comments" link and it will be posted to this site. You can do the same for any of the other sites I maintain. Shalom!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

West Campus

I know some of you haven't been able to make a trip out to visit so I thought I would post some pictures of Azusa Pacific University since that is my "full time job" right now. The pictures that are shown are of the West campus. All of the theology classes are held on the West campus at the Duke building. I am currently in my second year of my Masters of Divinity program. I love learning but I find myself restless these days and chomping at the bit to get back into full-time ministry. I'm still not sure in what capacity but I trust it will all come together before I graduate.